Fine! I have been anxiously awaiting our new roof to be finished before my next post but it conveniently snowed all over it before I could get a picture. Dumb snow, I haven't seen the ground since November! I am also terribly embarrassed to post exterior house shots with the roof in its previous condition because it is pretty gross looking. But here it goes anyways!
Check out the nifty exterior front porch. The freshly painted brown or deep red timbers of next summer will hopefully blend with the bricks better than the green is currently doing. A couple of cheerful gnomes on the stoops and we will be set!
Also, is this the first view we have had of that infamous hot tub?? I believe it is!
I will be posting new roof pictures asap though hopefully not too asap because that would mean what little attic insulation we have really isn't doing its job.
Disclaimer: With these outside shots a random reader may be thinking "hey, I know where that house is. I think I shall break in and steal stuff." Well, remember that KitchenAid in my last post? That is about the only thing of value in here so you may as well leave after grabbing that! As Mark knows, my troll dolls can be quite vicious and they are not afraid to attack.