Thursday, December 1, 2011

Black Friday Shopping

It's true. I've never truly been black Friday shopping because A. I feel my time is worth more than the $50 I might save by standing in line for 10 hours. B. I like to spend time with my family and eat dinner with them rather than stand outside in the cold. and C. my immediate family is strange and doesn't request the typical items from the big box stores so in actuality I wouldn't even know what I would buy. My mom and I did do our own version of Black Friday by sleeping in and then hitting some thrift stores of course!

We decided to check out a recently re-opened thrift store which always looks kind of ghetto so I never have the nerve to go in by myself. Luckily the two of us felt brave and I found a practically mint Cinderella bowl set of my Butterprint pattern for $3.99 a piece plus a 15% Black Friday discount! Yay!

In my excited rush I also bought this little guy with the excuse it matches my kitchen colors...

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